Friday, October 3, 2014

What is the Galatians 3:28 Movement?

What is the Galatians 3:28 Movement?

This blog is just a small intersection of a growing movement, called the Galatians 3:28 Movement, which in essence is a movement of Christians in support of marriage equality and civil rights.

Here is a summary of the movement taken from a couple emails I received.  Please feel free to re-post this to other blogs and venues.

The Galatians 3:28 Movement

The Galatians 3:28 Movement is a grassroots Christian movement (of all denominations) demanding civil rights and marriage equality for all people -- straight, gay, of any race, of any orientation, non-cisgendered, etc.  This movement has no leadership and is completely organic.

Galatians 3:28 states:  "There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus."

Now, many people get the first part about race not being important to Jesus (but unfortunately not everyone does as there are still tons racists around).  But most people ignore the second half where Jesus explicitly denies the importance of gender.  For Jesus, gender  and gender differences are unimportant.

Then why do we still insist that marriage be between a "man and a woman"?  This outdated, non-Christian way of thinking only highlights gender difference, the exact thing Jesus was trying to get away from.

In other words, for marriage, your gender does not matter.  Marriage can be between a man and a woman; two men; two women;  or between transgendered people.   Jesus loves everyone.  And that is what Galatians 3:28 is all about.  Marriage equality and civil rights.

Share some love.  Spread the word of Christ.  Support marriage equality and civil rights.


  1. I don't take ex-communication lightly but I do think that in this case people opposed to marriage equality are filled with such irrational hatred that they should be excommunicated from churches. There is no place for such hatred in the temples of Christ.

    1. Your interpretation of Galatians 3:28 is more based in Cultural Marxism than in scripture.

      Galatians 3:28 is a heavenly allegory.

      But we now live in the City of Man, and in the City of Man both race and gender are real and matter.

      Do you think men are going to be getting pregnant anytime soon?

    2. Take your hate elsewhere. If you think Jesus supports the oppression of the white cisgendered patriarchy, you obviously haven't let Jesus into your heart.


  2. Jesus weeps in heaven that there are still bigots opposed to marriage equality

  3. Thanks for bringing this to our attention....

    I'm going to start my own little chapter of Galatians 3:28 here in Nashville...

  4. I am sorry, but it is a gross misrepresentation of the passage to expand it to mean Jesus supports gay marriage. Race, economic status and gender are addressed in the passage, but marriage of any type is not addressed.

    I support equal rights under the law for all people. I believe that Jesus loves all people equally and that the church could be a better example of His love.

    I don't however support anyone or any movement that would distort a simple verse in this manner.

    1. Thanks for expressing your bigotry, bigot. Jesus weeps.

  5. Is Suey Park behind this?

    Your interpretation of Galatians 3:28 is more based in Cultural Marxism than in scripture.

    Galatians 3:28 is a heavenly allegory.

    But we now live in the City of Man, and in the City of Man both race and gender are real and matter.

    Do you think men are going to be getting pregnant anytime soon?
